Expunging Your Record in Tennessee

Tennessee has expanded the rules around expunging past criminal records. For many years individuals convicted of any crime were stuck with that permanent mark on their record. Potential employers, colleges, and the general public were able to freely see that information.

This is no longer the case.

Now, several formerly permanent criminal convictions can now become permanently invisible.

 Click here for a list of common Tennessee misdemeanors and their corresponding expungement eligibility.

With the opportunity to clear one’s past doors previously closed now open. The goals of a better job, a better education and, ultimately, a better life are now in reach.

There is no reason to delay. The process can take several months to complete. To ensure it is done expeditiously and correctly requires legal counsel. This is where Moore Love come in.

Here are the requirements under current Tennessee expungement law.

Tennessee Expungement Law Eligibility

You have 1 or 2 criminal convictions.

If you have no more than two criminal convictions from two separate incidents you are eligible to consider expungement (two or more crimes from the same incident count as ONE!).

You Must Wait 5 Years to File

A request to erase and expunge you Tennessee criminal history can be filed 5 years after the completion of your sentence. Completion of your sentence means

  • All court costs and fines must be paid
  • Your probation has been completed and discharged (not sure? contact us and ask!)
  • All time served must be completed

Your Tennessee Criminal Conviction is Eligible to Be Expunged

All misdemeanor crimes are eligible with a few specific exceptions.

A list Tennessee Felony Offenses that can be expunged from your public record can be found here.

Contact Moore Love today to start your expungement journey